16-channel Isolated Open Collector Output Module, Parallel Bus, High Profile
16 Channels Isolated Digital Output Module, Parallel Bus, High Profile
16-Channel Isolated Digital Output Module, Modbus
16-Channel Isolated Digital Output Module with Indication, Modbus
16-Channel Isolated Digital Output Module with Indication
16-Channel Isolated Digital Output Module
16-Channel Digital Output Module
16-Channel Digital Output Module, With LED
16-Channel Digital Output Module with LEDs
16 Channels Non-isolated Digital Output Module w/LED Display
16 Channels Non-isolated Digital Output Module
16-ch Isolated Digital Output Modbus TCP Module
16-ch Isolated Digital Output PROFINET Module
16-ch Isolated Digital Output EtherNet/IP Module
16-channel Isolated Source-type Digital Output Module (RoHS) only for VPD-132/133
16-channel Isolated Sink-type Digital Output Module (RoHS) only for VPD-132/133
Isolated 16-ch DO EtherNet/IP Module (RoHS)